Sponsor Spotlight

Dr. Kenneth I. Robinson, Executive Director
Maxwell Leadership Executive Program

P.O. Box 20998
Bakersfield, CA. 93390-0998
Mobile: (661) 487-7150
Website: www.Empowered2LEAD.com

Dr. Kenneth Robinson is the go-to expert for Fortune 500 companies seeking a seasoned professional in human resources management, with a focus on leadership development, team building, and executive coaching. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Robinson has held key leadership, management, and teaching positions in renowned organizations such as Pillsbury Bakeries and Food Services, as well as esteemed educational institutions like California State University, Bakersfield.

After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Lawrence Technological University with a concentration in Human Resources Management, Dr. Robinson furthered his education by obtaining a Master’s degree in Labor Relations from Wayne State University, followed by a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at California State University, Fullerton.

Beyond his formal education and corporate career, Dr. Robinson’s commitment to personal and professional growth is evident through his pursuit of certifications, entrepreneurial endeavors, and philanthropic initiatives. He is the Owner and Principal of Empowered2LEAD Consulting Services and holds certifications as an Executive Director, Consultant, Speaker, and Trainer with The Maxwell Leadership Team. Notably, he recently established a Non-profit Leadership Corporation dedicated to offering academic scholarships and leadership training to minority
and underrepresented groups.

Residing in Bakersfield, California, with his wife Valerie, Dr. Robinson attributes the success of their over four-decade-long marriage to the principle of prioritizing one another’s needs. Together, they are proud parents to their adult son, Kenneth LaMar, who resides in San Diego, California.

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The Kern County Chapter Society for Human Resource Management (KC SHRM) is an organization of human resource professionals whose primary goal is to foster an educational environment that is facilitated by the exchange of information and ideas.

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